Fantasy and Reality Pt. 1
Reality looks like grass and fantasy is green. This gives a not so pleasant version but over time as the story unfolds, the values begin...

The Thorns and Flower
Within the streams of power, comes the root. As we see it, so shall it take root. In the beginning, this takes time. As that begins, in...
Empathy vs. Sympathy
This is a seemingly interchangeable concept yet far from the truth. An aspect that represses desire and fulfillment in disguise as an...
The Spark and the Light
Two different things that mean the same thing...giving birth to something that has been created before. A new version of you, to become...
The Gift and Curse
It has been speculated that the quote, “the meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life is to give it away,” was penned by...
The Human Experience
Inside each breath lies the soul that was once craved by the spirit to inhabit the flesh. Prior to this and based on ideologies and...
Seeing Change
Change can be feared or embraced. Change is also inevitable and unpredictable. The philosopher Heraclitus stated, the only consistency to...
The Gift of Humor
Humor is a catalyst for truth, bond, and art. It’s also a medium that feeds our intuition and serves as a reliever and an instigator...
Strengthening communication with teenagers.
The phase of identity crisis and awkward body changes. The year is 2019 and to make things even more complicated, we are in the...