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About Dr. Whitman

Dr. Michael Whitman has been a licensed clinical psychologist for nearly 20 years. During that time, he has had the honor of helping many people as a psychotherapist, sports psychologist (about which he published a book), clinical supervisor to other therapists, and podcaster. Witnessing clients heal, suffer less, increase their empathy—especially for themselves—and lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives has given him a great appreciation for the resilience of human beings, as well as gratitude for his career path.


By helping clients feel understood and validating their feelings, he has witnessed an increase in their self-awareness and insight. Dr. Whitman often emphasizes the “here and now,” which means his sessions examine what is happening in the psychotherapy room in the moment. This can entail looking at relationships and interactions, as well as any feelings that emerge toward him as the therapist. He also explores childhood memories, dreams, and the unconscious so that he can collaborate to gain a better understanding of patients, their patterns, and emotional worlds.

© Fredrick Edo-Okuonghae 2025  |  13101 W Washington Blvd 90066   |   (424) 362 - 8745  |  |  LMFT CA #113359 | TX #204222 | CO #.0002735 | FL TPMF1526

"Life is a journey and it's about growing and changing and coming to terms with who and what you are and loving who and what you are." 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          - Kelly McGillis   

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